About Spiritual Insights
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Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
on March 23, 2000,
and updated on January 1, 2002
Wisdom Point: We Have Come Here To Discover
How To Bring Peace To Our Hearts
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessings of God be upon all of us.
My love you (anbu), my dearest brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(Louie Beutler).
“The Outline”
of “About Spiritual Insights”
“The End”
“The Outline”
For “About Spiritual Insights”
01. The Purpose of Spiritual Insights
The purpose of writing Spiritual Insights is to share the experience of awakening to the Love of God within us, which is the Oneness of Man and God within us, of awakening to the reality of why we are here, the reality of "who we are", of "where we are", and "what is happening".
02. Why We Are Here
We are here to awaken to the reality of God and True man within our own hearts, to the reality that we are only here because His Holiness is here, because His Holiness as True Man within us is here, and His Holiness is only here because God is here, and as such we are all one, one within the other as one, one revealing the other within it, one hiding oneself within the other as one reveals the other within it, just like the story of the apple tree within the apple seed, and the story of the apple seed within the apple tree.
We are only here to allow His Holiness to complete what He has started within each of us, within each of His Children, within God within each of us, which is to reveal True Man within God within us, to reveal Himself within God within us, and His Holiness is only here to allow God to complete what God has started within His Holiness, which is to reveal God within True Man within us, to reveal God within His Holiness within us, because that is what His Holiness does, that in truth is the only thing that His Holiness really does within us, or within anyone, which is reveal True Man within God within us, and that is what God does, that in truth is the only thing that God really does within us, within His Holiness within us, which is reveal God within True Man within us.
And in this way we are all One, in this way, us, God, and His Holiness or True Man are One, One revealing the other within it, One hiding itself within the other as it reveals the other within it.
But none of this can happen within us, True Man can only happen within God within us, and God can only happen within True Man within us, if we join with His Holiness in what He has started within Ture Man within us, in what His Holiness is doing within Himself within us, allowing God to complete what He has started within God within His Holiness, what God is doing within Himself within His Holiness.
Because that is who we really are, we are where True Man reveals God within Himself, and where God reveal True Man within Himself, and that is who His Holiness is, His Holiness is what is within us that reveals God within Himself, and that is who God is, God is what is within His Holiness that reveals True Man within Himself.
And in truth when His Holiness completes that within us, when He completes that within Himself within us, when God is revealed within True Man, within His Holiness reveals God within Himself within us, when He completes what He has come here to do, when we have realized, understood, accepted, and joined with His Holiness in this divine endeavor that His Holiness is undertaking within Himself within us, within True Man within us, then and only then, that is who we are, we then are True Man within God, we are then His Holiness within God, we have then made the journey, in partnership with His Holiness, from Disciple, in ignorance of himself, but hidden within the Shaikh within God, to the Shaikh within God, to True Man within God.
And that is who God is, what reveals God within True Man, and in truth when God completes that within His Holiness, when He completes that within Himself within His Holiness within us, when he completes what God has come here to do, then that is who His Holiness is, He is God within True Man, God within us, within us who have become True Man.
But what happens to God? In this process, we become True man within God, and True Man within us becomes God within True Man, but what happens to God? What does God become in this process?
His Holiness teaches us that as a result of this process God again becomes "us" hidden within the Shaikh, "us" or the Disciple in ignorance of himself, or God again in
anathi, God again in the state of not understanding who He is, within True Man, God returned to the state of the Disciple, but the Disciple as separate from Himself, as separate from the Shaikh, existing within the Shaikh but in ignorace of the Shaikh, and in this way, within us, within us who have now become the Shaikh, have now become True Man within God.
And in this way, what becomes of God in this process, is the setting up of the process, the balancing of the process, in order to start the process again, so it can continue to move forward again, for the Disciple to become the Shaikh, for the Shaikh to become God, and for God to again become the Disciple hidden within the Shaikh, like the apple seed becomes the apple tree, the apple tree becomes the apple fruit, and the apple fruit again becomes the apple seed, buried within the earth, in ignorance of "who it is", of "where it is", and of "what is happening", just waiting for the apple seed to awaken to its true destiny, as an apple seed, and join with the earth to reveal the apple tree within it.
My dearest loving brothers and sisters, we must reflect on these wisdom points a little. It is very important for us to do this divine work, because only then can we live our life properly in partnership with His Holiness within us, and with God within His Holiness within us, allowing our life to come to completion within the love of God, within the oneness of God and True Man, allowing His Holiness to complete what He has started within us, and allowing God to complete what He started within His Holiness, allowing us to become His Holiness, to become True Man within God, allowing His Holiness or True Man to become God within True Man, and allowing God to become "us", to become "us" as the Disciple in ignorance of himself, hidden within the Shaikh within God, or "us" as God in anathi, hidden within True Man within God.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allah Akbar.
03. Our Personal Journey Must Become God's Public Journey
For this child it has been an amazing ride, which has occurred over the last 63 years of my life, especially over the last 26 years since I first met His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) in 1975.
But I now know without the slightest doubt that my life involves a much longer journey, a journey from God into the world of souls, from the world of souls into the womb of my mother, a journey from the womb of my mother into a life of separation and differences, living in the the world of form, living in the the world of drama that I now see as happening"outside" of me, a drama which now defines me, a drama which I am now experiencing as "who I am", as "where I am", and as "what is happening".
But now, thank God, through the life and teaching of His Holiness within me, I realize that none of this is true, none of what I currently see as existing "outside" of me is true, none of it is real, none of it defines me or defines anything or anyone else, none of it is really "who I am", or "where I am", or "what is happening ".
My dearest loving brothers and sisters, we must realize without the slightest doubt, that all that we currently see is really just a dream. It is not real. Our true life is very different from this. Our true life is defined by the live and teaching of His Holiness within us.
And this is what His Holiness has come to teach us. That none of it is outside of us, including the life and teaching of His Holiness. All of it is inside of us, including the life and teaching of His Holiness. And as such, we are the light of God within us, not the physical body that we now see as existing in the world of drama that we see as existing "outside" of us.
04. Quotation From His Holiness
For as Bawa teaches in Chapter 9 of the book, "Islam & World Peace; Explanations of a Sufi",
"We have the form of man, and the light within us is a reflection which radiates
from Allah. That radiance is Islam."
"But we are only able to see that light as a reflected image. The complete
radiance of Islam extends from the time of creation to the hereafter. Allah alone
is true Islam."
"We must always remember that from Allah we came to Adam as the light of the
Please click HERE to go to the Table of Contents of the book, "Islam & World Peace; Explanations of a Sufi", by His Holiness, and when you get there, click on Chapter 9, "Unity - The Secret of Creation", to read the full content of this quote.
05. Closing Comment
And I now know without the slightest doubt that the journey of my soul is far from over, that the journey has hardly started, for in truth it is the journey of God within True Man, and the journey of True Man within God, the journey of True Man revealing God to God, and of God revealing True Man to True Man, for the benefit of all of the Creations of God within the 18,000 universes, within man and within God and within God and within man.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
My dear loving brothers and sisters, please join with this child as he tells the story of his spiritual awakening, as he tells of the milestones in his spiritual journey, of the major spiritual insights that have forever changed his life, because in truth they are not his story, they are our story, they are the story of the many becoming again the One, the story of the many souls again becoming the One Soul, the story of the many lives again becoming the One Life, because God is One, and in truth so are We.
If you like, please join in this happy endeavor. Send us your Spiritual Insights and we will include them in the Children's On-line Library. That would be good. Thank you.
Al-hamdu lillah - all praise and praising belong to God alone.
Allahu Akbar - only God is great.
Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluh -
May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessings of God be upon you.
My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
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