About Spiritual Analysis
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Written byShaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) 
on March 23, 2000,
and updated on January 1, 2002
Wisdom Point: We Have Come Here To Discover 
How To Bring Peace To Our Hearts
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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessings of God be upon all of us.  

My love you (anbu), my dearest brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen 
(Louie Beutler).

The Outline
of “About Spiritual Analysis
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01. The Purpose of An Analysis of Spiritual Insights
02. Moving Forward On The Path of God
03. Quotation From His Holiness
04. Relationship Between Spiritual Insights And Their Analysis
05. Additional Material About Merging With The Guru

The End
of “The Outline”
For “About Spiritual Analysis”

01. The Purpose of An Analysis of Spiritual Insights
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The purpose of doing an Analysis of our Spiritual Insights is to share the experience of joining in partnership with God within us, by joining in partnership with the life and teaching of His Holiness within us.

To share the joy and bliss of discovering how to bring peace to our hearts through our partnership with God within us, by establishing a partnership with the life and teaching of His Holiness within us.

To share the experience of living at the feet of a True Shaikh, of a True Human Being of Wisdom within us, of His Holiness within us, as His Holiness transforms our life and our understanding, into His life and His understanding, into the life and teaching of a True Human being within Him, into the state of Iman-Islam, into the Light of God to the world for this age within Him, as God transforms His life and understanding, as God transforms the life and teaching of His Holiness, the life and teaching of a True Man living in this world, in the dunya, into the life and teaching of God in the next world, in akhirah, which is Muhammad (Sal.) and the Holy Qur'an within God, within His Holiness, within us.

02. Moving Forward On The Path of God
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Only in this way does one move forward on the path of God, as the One becoming the Three and the Three becoming the One, and on the path of God, this occurs three times within us, once in the world of souls or purity within us, once in this world of earth or forms within us, and once in the next world of light or hereafter within us.

03. Quotation From His Holiness
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Bawa teaches us about this state of Iman-Islam on page 108, 109, and 110 at the end of "Chapter 9, Unity - the Secret of Creation", in the book, "Islam & World Peace, Explanations of a Sufi", in the following way:

----- beginning of a quotation by His Holiness -----

"To show respect for a departed brother.  In the name of God, we pay our respects before the corpse is buried.  

We do all these things in unity, because Islam is unity.  In Iman-Islam we must not discard anyone.  We must discard only what is opposite to Allah, only what Allah has discarded. 

Therefore, don't carry a sword, carry God's qualities.  Don't carry a knife or a cannon, carry a heart of truth filled with God's beauty.  

Bear a compassionate face, radiant with the three thousand beautiful qualities of God. That will bring peace to others.  That is Islam.  

Nothing in the world can conquer a heart with such qualities.  Anything that tries to destroy such a heart will fail and be destroyed itself.  Anything that tries to swallow something good will itself die. 

We must reflect on this.  We need to know how to conduct ourselves.  We have to make ourselves into these qualities in order to realize our true worth.  

The taste of the fruit reveals the value of the tree.  The fragrance and beauty of a flower show its value.  The gleam from a polished gem demonstrates its worth.  And we must use our lifetime to try to make ourselves valuable, to make ourselves perfectly clear.  That is Islam.  

We can wear white clothes, but they will be white only as long as we keep them clean.  How clean or dirty we are will show on our clothes.  In the same way, what we think in our hearts, all the good and evil, is clearly visible to others.  What is inside can be seen on the outside. 

We must put an end to our desires and our connection to this world in order to know Islam.  If we can shut out all that is evil we will see the good, but if we continue to shut out what is good, we will see only evil.  We cannot see both at the same time. 

It is like a mirror.  In order to see the reflected light on one side of the glass, we must block the other side by covering it with silver. 

Similarly, in order to see the light of the hereafter (al-akhirah) in the mirror of the heart, we must block off the world (dunya).  But we have to remember that whenever we try to block evil things, we will always meet with difficulties.  Any time we try to dig for something good, we will experience a great deal of evil. 

Anything we look at will have a dark side and a light side.  When the sun shines on one side of the earth, the other side is in darkness.  One side is revealed, the other side is hidden.  

The mind always wants to look at the dark side, at this world.  If we look with the mind, the whole world will manifest itself and appear before us.  That is how it takes form.  

However, to look at ourselves we must look into the light side of the mirror.  If we look with clear faith and certitude into wisdom and God's qualities, we will see our own true image. 

We have the form of man, and the light within us is a reflection which radiates from Allah.  That radiance is Islam.  

But we are only able to see that light as a reflected image.  The complete radiance of Islam extends from the time of creation to the hereafter.  Allah alone is true Islam.  

We must always remember that from Allah we came to Adam as the light of the Nur.  

We are all children of Adam.  When we were created, we were adorned with many colors and given different sounds and voices.  

Just as each string on a stringed instrument produces a different sound, depending upon how the musician positions his fingers, the five strings of earth, fire, water, air, and ether that God placed within us will bring forth the right resonance when they are tuned and pressed in a certain way.  

In unity, those five strings will play (the 1st & 2nd kalimah), "There is no God other than the one God, and Muhammad is His Messenger.  I witness that none is God except God; He is One without partner, and I witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger." 

That sound has the power to call God.  If our prayer, our remembrance (dhikr), our meditations and worship are established in that way, they too will reach God. 

This is an important introduction to the teachings of Islam, the clear teachings brought by Prophet Muhammad, the teachings of the love of Allah.  

We must gently enter into this.  We must study and learn.  There are more than four hundred trillion, ten thousand evil spiritual forces we have to contend with.  

But goodness is one--Allah.  May the unity and peacefulness of God be with you. Amen."

---- end of quotation by His Holiness -----

Please click HERE to go to the "Table of Contents" for the book, "Islam & World Peace, Explanations of a Sufi" by His Holiness M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him.).  Once there, click on "Chapter 9", Unity - the Secret of Creationto read the entire content of this quote.

My dear loving brothers and sisters, please join with this child as he shares the experience of sitting at the feet of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen 
(may God be pleased with Him) as He transforms us into the state of Iman-Islam within Him, into the Children of God for this age, into the Light of God to the world for this age, as God transforms His Holiness into the state of the Oneness of man and God within God.  

04. Relationship Between Spiritual Insights And Their Analysis
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We have called each of these shared experiences at the feet of His Holiness a Spiritual Analysis, since they involve a deeper analysis of something that is already provided within one of the Spiritual Insight.  If one of the Spiritual Insights is used as the starting place of a Spiritual Analysis, we will tell you so at the end of the selected material, it will say, Go To An Analysis Of This Spiritual Insight.

If you like, please join in this happy endeavor.  Send us your Spiritual Insights, and if you like, their Analysis at the feet of His Holiness and we will include them in this List of Spiritual Insights and their Analysis.  That would be good.  Thank you.

05. Additional Material About Merging With The Guru
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If you would like to learn more about the process of sitting at the feet of the Shaikh, at the feet of His Holiness, please click HERE to go to the “Table of Contents” of the “Father's Part” of “The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library”.

Once there click on the following two discourses and a song by His Holiness, or just click below on their title, if you like, all given by His Holiness on the same day, on April 26, 1972, to learn more about the process of merging with the Guru in order to merge with God.

1.  How To Merge With The Guru
2.  How To Reach And Merge With God
3.  The Kalimah Song

It turns out that this day, April 26, 1972 was a very special day, for His Holiness told us, after giving us this material, that,

"In ever 100 years there is 1 good day, 
and today (April, 26, 1972) was that 1
 good day in a 100 years."

So please take the time to read these two discourse and this song, and if possible buy the audio tape of these two discourses and this song by His Holiness, of what came from God to the Children of God for this age, on April, 26, 1972.  That would be good.  

If you like, click HERE to go to the on-line bookstore for the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, to order this material.

Al-hamdu lillah - all praise and praising belong to God alone.
Allahu Akbar - only God is great.
Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluh - 
May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessings of God be upon you.

My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

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